“Yin Yang” crochet tubular necklaces

6 Feb
One of my first products: wool tubular necklaces
that can be worn separately or together tied with a square knot (or reef knot)
in a combination that I named “Yin Yang“!
Like in the chinese philosophy where
yin symbolizes the shady side of the hill while yang symbolizes the sunny side of the hill,
the opposites in a perfect balance,
even my two necklaces are knotted in a tubular balance adorning our neck beautifully!
What do you think about? I have to confess that I really like my idea because it allows to have 3 necklaces combination in 1!
I think I’m gonna crochet this model in other colour combinations… 😉
Please, leave your comment or contact me for any question or request, it will be very appreciated.
(P.S.: a special and loving thanks to my affectionately top-mom-model “Evangelista” for her participation in pictures and not only!)
only Yin – only Yang
“Yin Yang” knot!

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